an innovative treadmill using vacuum and IR technology


What is vacuCABIN?

VacuCABIN is a cabin with a built-in treadmill using infrared radiation and vacuum. The pressure generated inside the cabin reduces stress, while IR increases temperature. This weight-loss exercise equipment allows you to train in a more effective manner, reduce cellulite faster and has a positive effect on the fat burning process. Unlike its competitors, vacuCABIN offers minimalistic design, easy to maintain structure, intuitive operation and a built-in Wi-Fi module. It is a state-of-the-art fitness solution combining cardio workout with additional features which improve the condition of your skin.

vacuCABIN- countless possibilities

vacuCABIN will help you burn fat effectively but it offers so much more than this. Weight-loss exercise equipment of this type is a multifunction device with a wide range of built-in features which allow you to enjoy your results over a longer period of time. A treadmill using vacuum and Infrared technology will turn your cardio workout into an enjoyable experience (instead of an unpleasant, daily round). Please find below the description of all the features of the vacuCABIN. Keep your body shape with us.

vacuCABIN Functions


The treadmill uses professional emitters generating a complete IR spectrum (IR-A, IR-B i IR-C). This way, the radiation reaches deep skin layers…


Our pressurized treadmill is unrivalled as far as burning fat effectively and removing metabolic waste from our body is concerned…

Collagen lamps

Collagen lamps are used in the treatment of various skin conditions, including acne, allergies, hyperpigmentation or wounds which take…


Chromotherapy is one of the oldest forms of therapy out there. It uses suitably selected colours in order to trigger particular…


Electronic equipment generates positive ions which increase the feeling of fatigue and have a negative effect on our frame of…

Why vacuCABIN?

There are many advantages to the system the VacuCABIN has been equipped with. It definitely makes this weight-loss exercise equipment more user-friendly, it also makes exercises enjoyable and the fact that you can set the parameters individually adds to its functionality. No longer do you have to ask anyone for assistance while exercising. Now you can plan it all by yourself. Please find below the description of the most important advantages of the nfoxSPORT system.

vacuCABIN Treadmill Models


Burn your fat faster with vacuCABIN

vacuCABIN is an indispensable companion in the process of burning fat tissue, improving skin quality or reducing cellulite. Incorporating the nfoxSPORT Reality system into your workout routine will take your cardio training to a whole new level. With virtual routes, you can exercise anywhere in the world. Thanks to the advanced vacuum and infrared technology, our treadmill enables you to precisely target fat loss areas, reduce cellulite and remove toxins from your body. Space inside offers comfortable exercises for all people.

The vacuCABIN is a mix of innovative technologies. It allows you to exercise on a treadmill using infrared and vacuum while taking advantage of the positive effects of collagen lamps, aromatherapy or ionisation. All functions have a profound effect on weight-loss, elimination of the fat tissuerejuvenation of the skin, detoxification or the process of regeneration. The technological solutions implemented in the vacuCABIN have been tested and proven to be effective. Lose excessive weight, get a smaller waist and enjoy smoother skin with just a few training sessions. Your body shape in our hands.


vacuCABIN Main Functions

Virtual Route

Our virtual workout will take you anywhere in the world. Currently, each user can choose any of the 7 routes. Snow-covered mountains, a desert or an Asian bamboo forest – all this at your fingertips thanks to virtual reality. It also makes your workout more enjoyable, which means you will be more eager to repeat it!

Intuitive user interface

The nfoxSYSTEM incorporated into the VacuCABIN weigh-loss exercise equipment features an intuitive user panel. This way, you can easily adjust the parameters depending on your needs and how advanced you are, which makes your workout on the exercise treadmill more functional

Workout screen

The VacuCABIN exercise bicycle has been designed to meet every requirement of our customers. This weight-loss exercise equipment features a built-in Wi-Fi modem, which ensures compatibility with other nfoxSPORT products. You can also download the latest system updates in no time.


The VacuCABIN exercise bicycle has been designed to meet every requirement of our customers. This weight-loss exercise equipment features a built-in Wi-Fi modem, which ensures compatibility with other nfoxSPORT products. You can also download the latest system updates in no time.

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All you have to know

Yes. Training in the capsule is absolutely safe. Machines are certified both by UL in United States and European CE, and can be used without supervision.Infrared and vacuum levels are easily adjustable according to your needs.

The negative pressure improves the blood flow in fat tissue accelerating weight loss. Infrared lamps accelerate metabolism and maintain regulated temperature between 25 – 40 degrees Celsius causing positive sweating and detoxification but also slow down aging process and rejuvenate the skin.

VacuCABIN and infraCOUCH are suitable both for amateur looking for weight loss, as well as experienced athletes interested in diversifying training. IR lamps are proven to have great effect in muscle relaxation and are helpful in stretching ligaments.

To achieve the best results you should use slow-jogging tempo. Clinical tests prove that fast walk is much more effective in slimming then running. Our machines provide combination of slow-jogging, infrared and underpressure to bring the best results after 4-5 sessions.

Time of delivery depends on quantity of your order. Contact us and our sales team will give you precise information.